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Enabling Two-Factor Authentication on

To add an extra layer of protection to your Target account, you can enable multi-factor authentication (MFA). Once MFA is enabled, Target will send a code to your phone or email once you successfully enter your username and password on Once you enter the code, you will be logged into your account.

1. Login to your account and navigate to your account settings.

The main page of with the primary guest menu expanded.  At the top of the navigation it says 'Hi, Target Guest' which is circled, and  within the expanded menu it says 'Account Hello, Target Guest' which is circled. This is indicating that you should click these links to navigate to the Account page

2. Under Settings, select VIEW ALL.

The Account page of Near the bottom of the page is a section  labeled 'Settings', and within that section is a heading that reads 'About me' and text that reads  'Target Guest Security' and 'View All'. This section is circled, indicating that you should click  'View All' to proceed to the next step.

3. Select Sign in and security and then choose Edit.

The 'Sign in and security' tile within the 'Settings' section of the Account page.  It has the following text: Sign in and security. Security, your way. Confidently manage your information in one secure location.  At the bottom is the text 'Edit'. This is the link you should click to proceed to the next step.

4. Select Set up two-step verification.

The 'Edit settings - Sign in / security' page. There are text input fields for Current password and New password, along with  buttons labeled Cancel and Save. Beneath that is the text 'Two-step verification, Not active. Two-step verification is an extra layer of  security for your Target profile designed to ensure that you're the only person who can access your account, even if someone knows your  password.' Beneath that is a button labeled 'Set up two-step verification'. This is the button you should click to proceed to the next  step.

5. Choose whether you want to use email or phone to set up and receive your code and select Continue.

'Two-step Verification. We will send a verification code to the email address, cfi*****@****. Your  mobile number is not currently verified. If you'd like to receive verification codes via SMS, please verify your phone number here.' During  this step you will choose whether you want to use an email address or phone number to receive your code. At the bottom of the image is a  button labeled 'Continue'. This is button you should click to proceed to receive your code and proceed to the next step.

6. Enter the code sent to your email/phone and select Verify.

The entry of the code received from the prior step. There is an input field labeled 'Enter your code', two buttons  labeled 'Cancel' and 'Verify', and a link labeled 'Trouble with code?'. After entering your code correctly and clicking 'Verify', you will  have completed this step.

7. Congratulations! You have enabled 2FA on your Target account.

The confirmation received after completing the prior step. It has the following text: 'Two-step verification, active.  Disabling will remove two-step verification from all of your devices.' It also has a button labeled 'Disabled'.